Entries by Angela Lovejoy

It’s All About the Experience

Why a great customer experience matters, even if you’re selling widgets   With the advent of digitalization, our experiences as consumers have reached a whole new level.  You know exactly when to turn on the porch light for the pizza guy, you can have Fluffy’s kibble delivered to the same porch the next day and […]

Dear Younger Me

10 pieces of advice I would give to my twenty-something self   After recently depositing my youngest at college, it got me thinking about myself back then. I was painfully shy, insecure and still trying to find my identity. The same was true when I entered the work place and, in spite of apparently performing […]

The Commodity Paradox

Why serving commodity markets could be a great opportunity to differentiate. If you work in B2B marketing, chances are you have heard or even uttered the words ‘It’s a commodity market. We’ll never make any money’. Yet in all my years in consumer marketing, I don’t think I’ve heard the ‘c’ word once. Think about […]

Technology – Putting the Cuss in Customer Experience

Why technology is indirectly stressing our customer service experience   The other day, while waiting for my prescription to be filled, I was subjected to one side of a heated phone conversation. A clearly frustrated lady was yelling at some poor person over the phone because her credit card had been denied; after several minutes, […]