Links that made me think: Golf, traumatic stress, first impressions, and other things

This week’s reads and resources to provoke thoughts on strategy, leadership, life, and other things.

Geoff Wilson

Every week, I get to devour a hefty heap of digital content in service to our clients and partners. As I sift through the internet on this mission, I discover things that are relevant to business, strategy, leadership, and life in general. As I do so, I’ll share some pieces that I think are thought-provoking treasures. Here are a few articles and resources I found particularly interesting and valuable this week. Enjoy the feast—or at least whet your appetite.

  • A perspective on moving people to jobs vs. jobs to people.  Bloomberg
  • A blood test may be able to diagnose Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in veterans.  But, what’s the implication for your disability policy?   Telegraph
  • A while back, a U.S. Amateur golfer disqualified himself for his caddie’s error.  Would you?  Golfworld

Dig in, let me know what you think, and have a great week!


Links that made me think: University Degrees, Cross-Cultural Leadership, Construction Inefficiency, and more

This week’s reads and resources to provoke thoughts on strategy, leadership, life, and other things.

Geoff Wilson

Every week, I get to devour a hefty heap of digital content in service to our clients and partners. As I sift through the internet on this mission, I discover things that are relevant to business, strategy, leadership, and life in general. As I do so, I’ll share some pieces that I think are thought-provoking treasures. Here are a few articles and resources I found particularly interesting and valuable this week. Enjoy the feast—or at least whet your appetite.

  • More evidence that where you stand depends on where you sit. Value of a university degree differs by geography. – The Economist
  • The customer you’re serving today may not be the customer you should be serving. That means the customer may not always right. – Alec Saric on LinkedIn
  • When trying to work across cultures, focus on authority first. – Harvard Business Review
  • When big, bold, audacious exclamations conflict with your trusted engineers: Tesla’s engineers disagree with Elon Musk. – Wall Street Journal
  • Where has productivity decreased the most in America? Try the construction industry. Why? Regulation, customization, and some toxic effects of good old profit maximization. – The Economist

Dig in, let me know what you think, and have a great week!


Links that made me think: Leadership ROI, Resilience, Chinese Innovation, and more

This week’s reads and resources to provoke thoughts on strategy, leadership, life, and other things.

Geoff Wilson

Every week, I get to devour a hefty heap of digital content in service to our clients and partners. As I sift through the internet on this mission, I discover things that are relevant to business, strategy, leadership, and life in general. As I do so, I’ll share some pieces that I think are thought-provoking treasures. Here are a few articles and resources I found particularly interesting and valuable this week. Enjoy the feast—or at least whet your appetite.

  • If you say it, you probably ought to mean it. How a corporate mission can drive young workers away. – BBC
  • Why venture capitalists might stop trying to be friendly, and how it could be Uber’s fault. The end of founder-friendly. – Fortune
  • Turns out overly resilient people either stay with bad bets too long, or have tendencies to lead as authoritarians. The dark side of resilience. – Harvard Business Review
  • How a new model of innovation being deployed in China shows the value of short decision loops in the product development process. – Boston Consulting Group
  • Invest your time and energy in the right things. What your leadership return on investment is. – ThoughtLEADERS

Dig in, let me know what you think, and have a great week!


Links that made me think: Automated Sewing, Emojis, Passwords, Fat Cattle, and more

This week’s reads and resources to provoke thoughts on strategy, leadership, life, and other things.

Geoff Wilson

Every week, I get to devour a hefty heap of digital content in service to our clients and partners. As I sift through the internet on this mission, I discover things that are relevant to business, strategy, leadership, and life in general. As I do so, I’ll share some pieces that I think are thought-provoking treasures. Here are a few articles and resources I found particularly interesting and valuable this week. Enjoy the feast—or at least whet your appetite.

  • Yeah, but can you automate this? An Atlanta-based company automates complex sewing. – Innovation in Textiles
  • Using emojis in work emails might make you look less competent. – International Business Times
  • Turns out PuppyMonkeyBaby (creepiest advert ever?) is probably a better password than 5223@@#. Old password rules were … wrong. – WSJ
  • If you help people learn how to care, they tend to engage more. Kids who are taught to be more empathetic grow up to be voters. – NY Mag
  • It’s probably not because of smartphones and Netflix. How did U.S. cattle and hogs gain so much weight? – Sara Menker

Dig in, let me know what you think, and have a great week!


Links that made me think: 3D Printing, Autonomous Deere, Obamacare, College Football, and more

This week’s reads and resources to provoke thoughts on strategy, leadership, life, and other things.

Geoff Wilson

Every week, I get to devour a hefty heap of digital content in service to our clients and partners. As I sift through the internet on this mission, I discover things that are relevant to business, strategy, leadership, and life in general. As I do so, I’ll share some pieces that I think are thought-provoking treasures. Here are a few articles and resources I found particularly interesting and valuable this week. Enjoy the feast—or at least whet your appetite.

  • Turns out, this stuff is hard. John Deere has learned that autonomous tractors aren’t easy to make. – Quartz
  • This can’t hurt the resale value. Daimler starting to 3D print parts for old trucks. – Digital Trends
  • When it comes to Obamacare, the things that drive up premiums are the things nobody wants to get rid of. In other words, politicians are grandstanding … again. – The Weekly Standard
  • A 75-year study shows that there is one thing that keeps us happy, and it isn’t money. – Ideapod
  • The next big technology trend could be made of really tiny things. – Strategy+Business
  • Hey, it’s almost football season, so why not have a look at the seedy underbelly of big-time college football? Did you know that your favorite team probably voted against schools having the option to provide four-year scholarships to athletes? – Slate

Dig in, let me know what you think, and have a great week!


Links that made me think: Bond Market Bubble, Pot Epcot, Automated Heart Diagnosis, and more

This week’s reads and resources to provoke thoughts on strategy, leadership, life, and other things.

Geoff Wilson

Every week, I get to devour a hefty heap of digital content in service to our clients and partners. As I sift through the internet on this mission, I discover things that are relevant to business, strategy, leadership, and life in general. As I do so, I’ll share some pieces that I think are thought-provoking treasures. Here are a few articles and resources I found particularly interesting and valuable this week. Enjoy the feast—or at least whet your appetite.

  • You don’t have to like him or even believe him, but Alan Greenspan sees no stock excess, warns of bond market bubble. – Bloomberg
  • What do the smartest companies look like? Have a look at this list. – MIT Technology Review
  • Everybody is talking about the “Internet of Things,” and only a few can define it well. Some thoughts here on what it takes for an organization to go IoT. – Network World
  • It’s because we’re all jealous: The brutal truth about why everybody else resents millennials. – Inc. 
  • I’ll bet the local Frito-Lay distributor is ecstatic: Marijuana company buys a town envisioning cannabis Epcot Center. – Marijuana Business Daily
  • One more step toward a higher quality, automated medical profession: Stanford computer scientists develop an algorithm that diagnoses heart problems with cardiologist-level accuracy. –

Dig in, let me know what you think, and have a great week!


Links that made me think: Tech HQs, Business Insights, Net Promoter Scores, El Capitan, and more

This week’s reads and resources to provoke thoughts on strategy, leadership, life, and other things.

Geoff Wilson

Every week, I get to devour a hefty heap of digital content in service to our clients and partners. As I sift through the internet on this mission, I discover things that are relevant to business, strategy, leadership, and life in general. As I do so, I’ll share some pieces that I think are thought-provoking treasures. Here are a few articles and resources I found particularly interesting and valuable this week. Enjoy the feast—or at least whet your appetite.

  • Tech giants—notably led by Apple—are investing billions in crystal palaces. Value creation or boondoggle? – The Guardian
  • How often do you find business insights in unconventional places? – thoughtLEADERS Blog
  • Why looking at other companies’ net promoter scores may miss the point.  – Genroe
  • Alex Honnold’s free solo of El Capitan, and the preparation it actually took to get there. – The New York Times
  • Glassdoor might not be quite as anonymous as you think, if the courts have their say. – The Ladders
  • An article on office jargon that I thought you might be able to leverage. – The Telegraph

Dig in, let me know what you think, and have a great week!


Links that made me think: Insights, AI, Coachability, Cancer, and more

This week’s reads and resources to provoke thoughts on strategy, leadership, life, and other things.

Geoff Wilson

Every week, I get to devour a hefty heap of digital content in service to our clients and partners. As I sift through the internet on this mission, I discover things that are relevant to business, strategy, leadership, and life in general. As I do so, I’ll share some pieces that I think are thought-provoking treasures. Here are a few articles and resources I found particularly interesting and valuable this week. Enjoy the feast—or at least whet your appetite.

  • What’s an insight? This presentation has perspectives on those things that all strategists are looking for but can’t define. – Umar Ghumman
  • How artificial intelligence might transform field services – VentureBeat
  • Three signs that someone’s not coachable – Roberta Matuson
  • John McCain’s brain cancer, from the perspective of a glioblastoma survivor – New York Times OpEd
  • Nicely synthesized summary of how to avoid poverty in today’s U.S. economy – National Center for Policy Analysis

Dig in, let me know what you think, and have a great week!