It’s what you give that matters
How much do you focus on what you give vs. what you think you do?
“It’s not what you got, it’s what you give / it ain’t the life you choose, it’s the life you live.”
– What You Give, Tesla (the rock band)
Have you ever met an executive that focuses a LOT on the skills and capabilities she has amassed, but who forgets to measure the actual impact of them?
I have.
In the strategy world, we talk about capabilities, value propositions, and sources of competitive advantage. Those are all super, super important.
The problem is, they don’t always translate to outcomes for those who matter most: The customers who derive pleasant value from products, services, and experiences; and the employees and other stakeholders who play a part in delivering them.
In other words, only looking at your balance sheet and what it contains–both tangibly and intangibly–is a recipe for disappointment in the longer run. And, it’s all about the longer run, so make no mistake.
Tesla (the rock band, not the inventor or the auto manufacturer) had a less appreciated song that I’ve quoted from above. It essentially says, that life is about outcomes, not ownership or expectations. Your customers know this. Your employees know this.
Don’t you doubt it.
So as you think about your strategy–as you decide to position yourself for the future–be sure to focus on what you give and the life you live…not the things you have or the choices you think you are making. Focusing on outcomes vs. assets can lead you to very different conclusions about how to position your business and yourself.
In other words, be sure to focus on outcomes and not intent. Intent is far less memorable to your customers and other stakeholders than outcomes.
You can take that to the bank.
What do you think? Is it possible to focus on outcomes vs. assets?
Well said. Although not as explicit as the Tesla lyrics, the song “Give a Little Bit” by Supertramp sends the same message.
I like the reference, Chris, and the ability to bring Supertramp onto the blog. It fits right in!