Two ways to grow in the new year
If you want to grow this year, do these two things.
I confess, this entire new year thing has gotten ahead of me this year. I thought it was December and now it’s January.
The new year comes with a sense of renewal. It comes with a sense of burying all that was “bad” last year and focusing on what we want to succeed at this year. Only, I think that for most of us that is a totally broken approach to growth–whether growing a business or growing a career or growing a skill-set. We tend to set resolutions that we know we will break. We stretch only to settle back into our old habits before long.
So what is a person to do in order to win in 2018 (which is right now)?
I’ll offer two things that work for me, and that I think can work for most any executive out there.
First: Focus on the strengths that you can deploy today. Sure, sure…you know how to find your strengths. You probably have a winning smile and a wonderful personality, but what if nobody is looking or listening? You have a problem. You have the same problem if you have a great product in the pipeline that won’t get out until Q3. It doesn’t matter that you have the perfect strength “coming.” What you do with what you have today is what matters. So, focus on what you can do…right now.
Second: Listen to your weaknesses. This is extremely hard for most executives to do–especially those who have mastered the spin of their “greatest weakness” being simply a strength in disguise (you know the ones: they always have an answer for how their weakness isn’t really a weakness). Like it or not, most executives (not you, but people you know) got where they are by sidestepping their weaknesses, not by confronting them head on. I’m not saying “shore up your weaknesses,” I’m saying listen to them. Find ways to grow from what you learn about your weak supply chain, or your weak sales force, or your (personally) weak communication skills.
Building on your deployable strengths and learning from your present weaknesses might just be your recipe for “better” this year…which means better right now.
Just to show that none of this is new (you didn’t really think it was, anyway), I’ll leave you with a fantastic lyric that implores you to focus on these two objectives. It’s a piece of the song Anthem by the late Leonard Cohen. Take a moment to read it:
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.
As you blast into this year, think about the bells you can still ring–now. Forget about the perfect strength–focus on what you have today. And, perhaps most importantly, find the light that comes through the cracks in your armor by listening to your weaknesses.
That’s how the light gets in.
Happy new year!